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Philippines massacred draws fears, disgusts

philipinos are used to violence during the run-up to elections,they'll often say with a sad shrug, a grimace and resignation that it's "normal." They're only too aware that politics can be a dangerous business in this country, so often mixed with guns, greed and money.

As Police say 148 people were killed in the 2004 national elections, political clans control private armies, and over one million unlicensed firearms are in circulation, contributing to the general lawlessness in many remote areas.--

But the political massacre in Magui, where 57 people were killed -- including many non-political civilians and journalists -- was "unprecedented in its savagery" and "diminishes all Filipinos, whether Christian or Muslim," according to the Cebu Daily News.

Following this most gruesome act of political violence ever in Mindanao, the country's media are immersed in the story. The Manila Times said: "The politically motivated massacre of civilians including more than a dozen newsmen is savage, barbaric and unGodlyy. That such a thing could happen is another proof that politics in the Philippines is a long way from being civilized and democratic."


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